बारह खड़ी

बारहखड़ी हिन्दी में व्यञ्जनों तथा स्वरों के संयोग से बनने वाले अक्षरों के क्रम को कहते हैं। इसे संस्कृत में द्वादशाक्षरी कहते हैं जो हिन्दी व्याकरण के अनुसार स्त्रीलिंग शब्द है।
This morning, while I was going through my album, I found some adorable pictures hence  decided  to post  them.

If students know consonants and vowels, then easily they can construct words in any  language. When  we have to write a word, we apply Barakhadi. Just as a group of beads together forms a rosary, similar groups of letters include a word. This method is called the sequence of letters composed by combining consonants and vowels; the Barakhadi act as a ladder in Hindi languages.

If the pronunciation of the word or letter would be correct, then there is no spelling error.In the month of December 2020 students of year Four  have started learning about Barakhadi, they understood. Still, it is tedious for them to apply Barakhadi for all letters as we know that without practicing this, it will  be difficult to read and write a word. Before winter break one of my students asked me,” Should we draw a Christmas Tree during Hindi class? In the beginning, I said no, but suddenly I realized it would be a fun activity for them if they decorate the Christmas Tree with Barakhadi.

The worksheet which I had given them was a simple picture of a tree but the students decorated it so well according to the Christmas Tree theme. It is a fun and frolic activity for the students, and quickly they learnt the theory of Barakhadi. According to our plans we have to start writing words after winter breaks, but coincidently we can’t conduct in-class(physical) teaching due to the second wave of Covid 19 and migrate to online teaching.

Timothy Weah  has rightly said, “With hard work and dedication, anything is possible.” While learning online students of year 4 proved it and by the end of January they were able to write words. It is a great achievement for them.I am proud to share how my students have grown in their knowledge.


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